Do I have to pay VAT?

If you are sick or disabled you will not have to pay VAT when you order if the equipment you are buying is solely for your use. This can save you literally hundreds of pounds!

Even if you don’t consider yourself disabled or sick it’s worth reading the information below as you may still qualify!

You just need to complete a very short Declaration as part of our checkout  - which literally only takes a few seconds.

We don’t do anything with this information - we just securely store it. We need to do this as a requirement should HMRC ever ask us to show them why and what products we are selling VAT free.


You do not have to pay VAT if:

  • The goods you are buying are for the personal or domestic use of a ‘chronically sick or disabled‘ person. This is defined as:

 A physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out everyday activities.

  • It needs to be a condition which the medical profession treats as a chronic sickness, such as diabetes, ME/CFS, arthritis. 

  • you do not need to be on any benefits to qualify or to be receiving any special services.

  • The equipment you are buying must qualify - which ours does!:

 “A medical or surgical appliance is a device or piece of equipment that’s designed solely for the relief of a severe impairment or a severe injury.”